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The Opportunity

We let founders focus on their passion, and we do the rest.

Venture capital has grown at a rapid rate with funding reaching $333 billion in 2021, up from $30 billion in 2006. This trend is projected to continue at a CAGR of 21.75% from 2023-2028. Despite the increasing growth of the industry, Venture funds have a rather poor ‘hit’ ratio, with the top 5% of investments contributing to 95% of the funds returns.

While the remaining 95% of the portfolio often results in comparably modest returns, putting pressure on founders to meet exceedingly unrealistic expectations and on the fund managers ability to create liquidity.

Our Answer

Mayker focuses on this 95% of venture capital backed companies with attractive unit economics and proven products. Instead of relying on unicorn investments, we focus on profitability and sustainable growth through operational expertise and control.

Who Is Mayker Capital?

We are a Venture-Buyout firm built by Founders, for Founders

We're Founders. Investors. Entrepreneurs. Designers. Operators. Salesmen. Marketers.

Mayker Capital is a unique investment firm that is comprised of experienced entrepreneurs and operators. We differentiate ourselves through not only a unique investment approach but also how we support our partner companies.

In both areas we look to create long term sustainable value allowing us the ability to capitalize on opportunities outside traditional firm mandates; and to provide hands-on support to entrepreneurs in their journey to success.

Our Mission:

Mayker aims to be the acquirer of choice for founders.

We will accomplish this through forming long term strategic relationships with founders and their teams, ensuring open and honest communication, promoting a positive corporate culture, and by simply; saying what we mean, and doing what we say.


Why Venture-Buyout?

Traditional Venture Capital

Shotgun Approach; Many Small Allocations

Increase the probability of finding outlier home run investments.

Minority Investments

Limited control, increases operational and key person risk.

High Valuations

Pricing in many years of expected earnings.

Short Term Investment Horizon

Seek to deploy capital quickly, with a focus on near term liquidity.

Venture-Buyout Strategy

Valuations Based on Current Earnings

Minimizing risk and decreasing payback period.

Cross-Portfolio Synergies Encouraged

Talent and data can flow freely between companies.

Long Term Vision

Deploy capital opportunistically, and allow for sustainable growth.

Controlling Stake

Decreases operational risk, increases financial flexibility.


The Companies We Look For

The short answer: Proven

We look for businesses with attractive unit economics and consistent growth that operate in tech-enabled sectors.

  • 5+ years of operations
  • Defensible competitive advantage
  • Servicing a growing niche market
  • Greater than 80% Annual Recurring Revenue
  • $1,000,000 – $10,000,000 in Revenue
Software & Data
AI & Machine Learning

What Is Our Edge?

A hands-on approach combined with a long term strategic vision.


We analyze companies beyond the numbers. With our multi-disciplinary team we take a granular view on all aspects of a target companies operational processes. From this multi-faceted view point we can confidently create long term strategic plans pulling best practices from our industry playbooks long before capital is deployed.


Founders value our approach as we are not solely a platform for airing out their ideas. We offer actionable solutions and collaborate with management teams to execute on those solutions. Our method is hands-on and involved.


Unlike typical funds we do not take management fees, we align ourselves with investors through performance based incentives only. This promotes a more methodical approach to investing and removes the sense of urgency to deploy capital most managers experience.


Our Portfolio


StaffConnect is an event management staffing software that allows you to manage your staff, clients, scheduling, reporting, payroll and more, all in one system.

Niche Industry

HR management and applicant tracking software system focused on the talent and staffing agency industry.

10+ Years of Trust

Through 10+ years of operations the company has built a strong reputation within its target market.

Purely Organic Growth

No sales team or marketing team prior to Mayker’s involvement.

Sustainable Unit Economics

90% Gross margins.

Globally Distributed

Geographically diversified customer base provided resilient cash flows throughout the pandemic.


Post Acquisition Improvements

StaffConnect Day: 0 - 30.

  • Revenue growth – 20% in 1st month.
  • Implemented effective sales, and marketing processes.
  • 55% conversion from demo to sale.
  • 500% increase in demo’s booked.
  • Enhanced monetization strategy to improve cash flows, maximize expansion revenue streams, and bring price structure in line with industry standard.
  • Launched Affiliate/referral program to capitalize on database of over 350,000 staff and agencies.
  • Full website redesign leading to increased visitor conversion rate.
  • Restructured tech-stack to allow for scalability and cost savings.

Meet The Mayker Team & Our Advisors


Spencer Tasker

  • Completed multiple M&A transactions in a variety of sectors.
  • Structured and led MBO of niche transportation company, Excel Truck Shuttle.
  • Implemented effective OKR’s at the strategic level which saw Excel’s revenues increase 360% and net margins expand by 200%.
  • Proven experience in human capital management and optimization.

Dustin Matos

  • 10 years of experience in graphic design and marketing.
  • Design work has helped to raise millions of dollars in financing.
  • Specializes in website design and campaign creation across a variety of business sectors and marketing channels.
  • Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design For Marketing.

Stuart Kwong

  • Track record of successfully launching and scaling sales departments of both start-ups and upper middle market technology companies.
  • Contributed to executive level revenue operations, strategic planning, and implementation for $1B enterprise SaaS businesses.
  • Over 14 years of experience leading the sales and marketing for globally distributed SaaS organizations.
Chief Technology Officer

Jason Kwong

  • Expanded Microsoft founded non-profit community 200% through effective digital strategy and product management
  • Contributed to developing systems and integrations for World Health Organization, enabling the aggregation and analysis of global Covid-19 rates and vaccine effectiveness
  • Lead the development and digital initiative for a top 10 tertiary institution within Oceania for the last 4 years.
  • Technical product management experience working on enterprise multidisciplinary projects for government agencies and non-profits.
VP of Compliance

Samuel Holmes

  • 8+ years of experience in financial compliance within governmental, political, and private organizations.
  • Served as Head Financial Administrator for units of the Department of National Defence within the Canadian Federal Government.
  • Director of Fundraising for constituency association Election Committees during provincial and federal election campaigns.
  • Possesses extensive knowledge in compliance concerns, risk management, and corporate policy; holds a degree in Philosophy with a focus in Business Ethics.

Richard Forsyth

  • 12 years of Operations Management and Development experience.
  • Previously an Operations Manager for Walmart, and a Berkshire Hathaway portfolio company – Larson Juhl.
  • Specializes in Efficiency Planning and Execution.
  • Relevant experience implementing effective OKR’s to drive material change in operational efficiencies, driving value creation across the organization.

Kyle Wiltshire

  • Founder & CEO of Jigentec, a Cloud Infrastructure provider, focusing on Asia Pacific Markets.
  • As CTO, built, raised funding, and exited a leading Real Estate Portal in the Philippines.
  • Active Angel Investor.
  • Experience in a diverse set of industries including Online Gaming, Music, Energy, Real Estate and Self-Help.

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